Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays.......

I love Karen Carpenter. When I was growing up and the rest of my friends were idolizing Paula Abduhl and Debbie Gibson I was usually playing my mom's old Carpenters records. I've had Rainy Days and Mondays going through my head all day today which is oddly appropriate for how I've been feeling lately.
Sometimes I'd like to quit,
Nothing ever seems to fit...
What I've got they used to call the blues,
Nothing is really wrong,
Just feeling like I don't belong...
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.
It's not rainy outside. It's a beautiful day. A beautiful week actually.
And it's not Monday either.
But something has got me down.
I don't know why.
I've just been in a funk.
When things are stressful this kind of thing makes sense to me. I'm a worryier and it's easy for me to get overwhelmed by stress.
But things are actually really good right now.
Which makes it all the more confusing to me.
When I get like this everything suffers. I'm impatient with my kids. My house is a mess. It seems like too much work to bother with hair and make-up. I eat more sugar. Which makes me feel even WORSE about myself and I get a little vicious cycle going.
Is it just this time of the year? That blah time between Christmas and Spring.
I'm pretty lonely these days... is it because I'm so disconnected....too much time with myself and my thoughts?
Is it the endless rotating cycle of house, kids, errands....with no break in sight?
Depression runs in my family, I have problems with it here and there, but I manage to get through it without medication. I've been trying to do what usually helps.
I've been exercising almost every day.
I cleaned the temple last week to try and get out of myself through service.
I attended the temple with Mike.
Those things help, but it's not quite enough......
What helps you move the storm clouds out of your life?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Shauna. I don't know what to say. I wonder if part of it is our stage in life. The monotony. I've never really had this problem until lately. Some days are better, and sometimes I get really stuck in a "mood." I wish I had an answer. Let me know if you find one. Until then, just know that you're not in this alone. Hope it gets better. :-)
