Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We had our final inspection Monday morning and after a few twitches to the electrical panel we passed! When Mike handed me the paper that said "ready for occupancy" I felt like crying. Things have been very intense lately. Mike went a full 48 hrs on only 3 hrs of sleep trying to finish up on time. I was up helping him until the wee hours of the morning several nights in a row as well and it was exhausting. Mother's Day? Did we miss that? Ha. We didn't even have the time to go to church that day. Yep. That's right. We worked all day on Sunday. We really didn't have a choice. We barely got things done in time. Mike didn't go to bed at all Sunday night, he just worked straight through until the next morning (crazy!) The inspector was supposed to come between 9-11am on Monday and by 9am we were not ready! Stressful! Luckily he didn't come until 10:30. As soon as we change the paint (we just sprayed everything white in the interest of saving time), and stain the wood floors I'll post pictures. It's a beautiful room and I'm loving it. I'm so blessed to have such a talented and hard working husband. He's the greatest!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! At least the pressure is off on this one thing. I can't wait to see it. I've been so impressed with everything you guys have done to your house. it is such a darling home!
