Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines....the Boy way!

Tonight we were getting all the stuff ready for the boys' class Valentines parties tomorrow. I had the boys do a hand-made card to give to their teachers with a little baggie of special treats.
These would look tons better if I scanned them, but my scanner is a pain so I just took pictures.

Here's Tanner's card:

"What are the purple spots?"
"I made lots of big purple poops for my teacher."
Hmmm, should I have made him re-do it? Eh, I figured she'll be too busy to ask him what they are anyway!

Here's Caeden's card:

"Nice picture, what did you draw?"
"It's a monster fighting an alien that has ten heads. See? The monster is going to cut off all the aliens heads and blood is going to be everywhere.

What ever happened to cupid, teddy bears, hearts and flowers?