Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Paddy's Day

Holidays have always been fun, but it wasn't until I had kids that I realized how fun they could really be. St. Patrick's Day has never been a holiday I really celebrated other than putting on some token green somewhere. Now? It's a day-long green fest that's fun, fun, FUN! The boys get so excited over every little's great!

Start with some green pancakes for breakfast.......

A green lunch all ready to be sent for school. PB&J on a green roll, sugar snap peas, a pear, a box of apple juice, and some green jello........

Caeden wears a uniform to school so if he wants to wear green we have to get creative. Green "lucky" socks for all the boys and a flashing shamrock button for the older two.......

A delicious Irish dinner of corned beef with carrots, cabbage, potatoes, and green rolls.......

And finish off our day with some green shamrock sugar cookies......

Can you OD on green food coloring?

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