Monday, May 24, 2010


I'm grateful for....

1. Boys who still let me call them "baby" and sit on my lap (yes all of them, although Caeden would be mortified if any of his friends saw).

2. A full vegetable garden with buds starting to come up.

3. My stash of PB M&Ms in the cupboard that has yet been undiscovered by Tanner (I swear that boy smells chocolate from a mile away).

4. Wonderful friends who force to me to get out and run.

5. Prayer

6. A new peach tree planted in the backyard.

7. Plans to go camping this weekend.

8. A wonderful husband who lets me pick the weekend movie even when he knows he's going to be sitting through a chick-flick.

9. My daddy and step-mom who feed us pizza and play with the boys

10. A clean kitchen

11. A compassionate church leader who took the time to council with me

12. A baby who loves to smile

13. Sisters

14. 3 new summer shirts

15. Being allowed to choose the paint for our new master bedroom

16. Neighbors who let me pick some of their lilacs to take to my brother's grave

17. Finding a pre-school for Tanner for next year

18. Mine and my family's health

19. A husband who works hard to provide for his family and has had steady work despite the tough economy

20. The sunshine that came out and melted the snow from this mornings spring snow-storm