Monday, June 7, 2010

Tanner Bo-banner

This little guy graduated from preschool recently (but not really because we're sending him back for another year instead of on to kindergarten).

He loved Ms Angie and he loved carpooling with his good buddy.
He was so excited that both of his grandmas came.When his teacher handed out the diplomas she made a few comments about each child's personality. With Tanner she said that he was the classroom DJ. He had a whole arsenal of tunes that he would belt out all the time. He would request everything from 5 Speckled Frogs, to Follow the Prophet, to Boom-Boom-Pow by the Black Eyed Peas, to Queens Greatest Hits (he LOVES Queen, especially We Will Rock You). It was so "Tanner"......he loves music. He loves loves loves music. He rarely watches TV unless it's the Wiggles, the Doodlebobs or one of the Disney musicals. He can be such an angel.....
He can also be such a little devil.

What? He doesn't look like a devil. That's because he's having a mandatory naptime after he colored on my basement walls, got into my car and emptied out all my cubbies and glove box, stole and ate an entire pack of gum, dumped my jewelry out onto the floor, sneaked into the cupcakes I had set aside for FHE (I found the very messy remains behind my living room curtains), turned on the hose and flooded part of the backyard, and dumped a sack of potting soil on my front porch. Oy! I don't know if I'm ready for Summer Vacation afterall.

I love that little stinker.

1 comment:

  1. I love that stinker too!! He is too darn cute to do all of those naughty things. I love his mischievous smile. Thanks for sharing his cuteness with us.
