Thursday, June 10, 2010

Look Out Below!

This is one of those stories that never got told because at the time it
was. not. funny.
Now that a couple of months has passed though I see the humour in it and I have a feeling it's going to be a family classic.
Tanner likes to help. He's really sweet about it and when I keep him busy helping me he tends to get into less trouble (or so the theory goes). When Weston has a messy diaper I put it in a plastic grocery sack and my sweet little helper runs it to the outside garbage for me. He's been great about doing this little chore since Weston was born.
I guess he got bored.
I heard a knock on my door. I answered it and it was the neighbor who lives behind me. She is mad. Fuming mad. Apparantly for the past few days instead of taking the dirty diapers out to the garbage like he was supposed to Tanner decided it would be a lot more fun to lob it over the fence into the neighbors yard. Unsuspecting little me, I just kept giving him more ammunition and thanking him for "taking care of it". This poor lady had been bombarded with stinky diaper after stinky diaper. She said one got stuck in her tree, one landed on their patio swing.....her dog had even gotten ahold of a couple and shredded them all over the yard. This had been going on for days before she finally drove around the block to confront me.
I was mortified.
I didn't blame her for being angry. I told her I didn't know he'd been doing that, but I got the impression she didn't believe me. I apologized and the next day we made a batch of brownies and I made Tanner walk over there with me to deliver them and apologize in person. Ever since then I went to great lengths to avoid them. They accepted our apology, but I never felt like we were on the greatest terms with them after that. Luckily, they just moved last week. I wonder if they gave the new home owners a heads up about what they're in for.
What will Tanner do next?


  1. I still chuckle when I hear that story. hee hee:D

  2. I guess that's one way to run them out of the neighborhood. Think that would work for our neighbors?

  3. That is VERY funny! I'm glad you can laugh about it now. At least you don't have to worry about Tanner's lack of creativity!
