Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Heavenly Message?

I've often heard that for children the veil between Heaven and Earth can be thin. I'd like to think that a special message was sent to me. I don't know if that's the case of not, but it's touched me all the same.

Tanner likes to collect stuff. He picks up the oddest assortment of things. We rarely know where he even gets the treasures he brings home (yes, he's a bit of a klepto and usually brings home "souveniers" from peoples houses). When he was out with his Papa and Nana he found a balloon. It was one of those little message balloons that is usually on a pick. He brought it home and was playing with it. I didn't pay any attention to it. About an hour later he brought it over to me and said "Here mom. This is from Uncle Wayne. He said to give it to you." I picked it up and this is what it said:

You'll Be Missed.

Tanner can't read, he thinks all balloons are for birthdays. I even asked my Dad, his Papa, if he'd said anything about Wayne when Tanner found the balloon. He hadn't and Tanner never said anything about it to him. When he gave me that sweet gift it brought tears to my eyes, but they were good tears. I think I might go stick it on Wayne's grave. My way of telling him "Right back attcha."


  1. That was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. Thanks for sharing that. And yes, I do believe kids know more than they can tell us. Maybe that's why they come not knowing how to talk. I think kids with disabilities remain close, longer.

  2. Wow, that is awesome...i so agree though. when my Grandma died my oldest (3 at the time)saw the spot lights in the sky from the haunted houses and she said it was ma with her flashlight looking for her and made me try to drive closer. I couldnt drive too close because I didnt want her to realize what it really was. she still to this day (10 now) calls them ma's flashlights. I am glad you had happy tears this time. :-)
