Monday, November 9, 2009


Yesterday was Caeden's 7th birthday. I can't believe how fast he's growing up. I feel like this last year he's really matured. He's such a big handsome boy. It seems like it's only been a blink of an eye since we brought our firstborn son home from the hospital. He was such a colic baby. Those first few months were so hard. Then he grew out of it and has evolved into the most mild mannered, mellow and sweet kid. He has such an amazing imagination. It's so funny to watch him out on the trampoline having imaginary battles. It's like he sees a whole world right in front of him that the rest of us have no access too....the simple backyard with trees and a swingset no longer exists. Instead he's a Pokemon trainer and he's locked in a fierce battle against Team Rocket.......or he's a Power Ranger morphing into an animal and fighting some huge and ferocious alien creature.......or he's the Transformer Optimus Prime and he's able to fold himself into a diesel truck and race away to save the day. Mike always says "Caeden's back in The Zone." because none of us can reach him there. We can call his name or shout at him, but it's almost impossible to get his attention once he's in The Zone. He LOVES LOVES LOVES anything to do with superheroes. You name it, he's into it: Spiderman, Bakugan, Transformers, Batman, Pokemon, Medabots, Thundercats, Star Wars.......I know more than I ever thought I would about all these boyish idols. He's very social and is always looking for friends everywhere we go. He likes everyone and will play with them regardless of age or gender. His best friend at school right now is a girl (I love that!). Despite that he also likes his quiet time. He enjoys reading and being read too more than almost any other activity. He loves building with legos, doing puzzles, and playing board or card games with anyone who's willing. He's the one child I have to pull away from the TV or he'll become so engrossed he'll watch it all day. He takes the role of Big Brother very seriously. He's always teaching Tanner his letters and how to count and he's so helpful to feed Baby Weston or make him laugh and keep him happy while I'm busy.

When he was an infant and so colic my dad used to stop by the house on his way home from work. More often than not both mamma and baby would be sitting on the couch crying. His Papa would pick him up bounce him and walk around with him. He would settle right one else could get him to do that. I think they formed a special bond right from the start. Caeden idolizes his Papa more than any other person. He thinks the sun rises and sets with his grandpa. It is so special to watch them together. Every once in a while his Papa will take him to go get a Happy Meal, or let him spend the night at his house......he gets so excited, he'll talk about it for days and days. Luckily we only live about 10 min away so his grandpa is a huge fixture in Caeden's life.

One of the things that can be a little challenging about him is he is a TEASE! He constantly teases his little brothers and the only complaints I've ever had from his teachers at school is that he teases, teases, teases! Despite his tendancy to "bug" Caeden really is a good kid. He's always eager to please. I rarely have to fight with him to get him to do his chores or homework. He's just starting to understand some of the Gospel and develop his own testimony. It's so special to watch. He talks about being a missionary and doing what he's supposed to so he can "make Jesus happy". He loves reading the Childrens Book of Mormon Stories and watching The Living Scriptures. I think all the battles, heroes, and soldiers in the scriptures intrigue him. Caeden has a gentle heart and his feelings can get hurt quiet easily. He gets so upset if he has an arugment with one of his friends. If someone in our house is sad Caeden will be the first of the boys to pick up on it and he'll do everything he can to try and make it better. Part of me is so proud of the big boy he's becoming, but I also feel that little mommy ache for the little boy from his past. He's growing up too fast. Happy Birthday Caeden Bug!


  1. I love love LOVE this birthday tribute to Caeden. It's so sweet and you are the best mommy to him. He is such a great kid. Calvin and I love him and you, of course :D
