Friday, December 4, 2009

10 Wonderful Years....

Warning: This post is full of girlie gushing and sickly sweet sentiments. You've been warned, proceed at your own risk....

Ten years ago today I knelt across the alter in the Salt Lake Temple and married the love of my life for time and all eternity. Since that wonderful day 10 years ago we've experienced three beautiful boys, lots of laughter, more than a few tears, plenty of chaos, a couple of road bumps and unmeasurable amounts of growth.

I didn't grow up surrounded by happy marriages. I'd seen several close family members experience miserable marriages full of fighting that inevitably ended in divorce. I was so scared to take the leap of faith required to pledge my life to another person. When Mike proposed to me I was thrilled, excited, and more than a little anxious. I remember feeling like I was on cloud nine the night he proposed......until I got home, then I cried my eyes out. What if we couldn't make it work? I had no disollutions about how hard marriage could be. What if we didn't have what it takes to stay together? We both came from broken homes and according to the statistics the odds weren't in our favor. I spent a lot of my engagment pouring my heart out to my Heavenly Father to help me feel calm and at peace. We decided to be married on December 4th, 1999 while Mike was on Christmas break from school. Like most brides, I can only remember parts of that special day. I remember sitting in the celestial room waiting to be escorted to the sealing room. Mike had his arm around me and I was overcome with feelings of so much love for him I thought I would burst. I remember kneeling across the alter and feeling both of our hands shaking as we listened to the temple sealer give us council (nope, don't remember any of the council). Afterwards we walked around the temple grounds and had our pictures was freezing! We had a wonderful reception at the ward house that my step-mother had put together. It was beautiful and tons of fun! I've heard of brides who don't have the greatest memories of their wedding day and I'm so grateful that our day was everything I could have hoped for.

We're two imperfect people and so our marriage isn't always perfect, but I can honestly say these last years have been the best of my life. Mike is still my best friend, my confidant, the person I turn to in all things, and the man I admire most. When I was twenty I would have never guessed that a marriage could be as happy as ours has been. Our fights are few and far between. The good times outnumber the bad. We still can't keep our hands off each other. There are times we still stay up late just talking. We tell each other "I love you" at least once everyday. We're partners in parenting, providing and caring for our little family and home, and in teaching and learning the Gospel.

Mike is a strong Priesthood holder, a gentle and caring father, a sensitive and protective husband and he helps make me a better person. I admire his willingness to not only serve me and the children, but also extended family and neighbors. He's such a hard worker and there are many times he works himself into exhaustion and falls asleep sitting on the couch. Most people who know him think he's quite and serious. I'm priveleged to see a wonderful side of him that not many others do. He has a goofy sense of humour and he loves to make the boys and I laugh. I couldn't have chosen to spend my life with a more wonderful person!

Happy Anniversary sweetheart! May the next 10 years be as wonderful as the first! Here are the beautiful roses that I found sitting on my kitchen counter this morning.....

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sweet post and brought tears to my eyes. First off..."Happy Anniversary!!" 10 years! Wow! Congrats! I have to say that I found lots of comfort in your words. I too come from a "broken home" as you know. I worry about marriage all the time - wondering if I will ever be able to beat the odds (like you mentioned) since a great and happy marriage is not what I grew up with. What if we don't have what it takes to stay together? etc. your post has definitely given me hope that I, like you, can find eternal happiness with my best friend.

    Happy Anniversary again! xoxo!
