When I get together with my sisters we are the biggest bunch of goofballs. Seriously I think we would put a pack of 12 year old girls to shame. My sister Cherie always strikes the corniest poses in pictures. It's a family joke. Luckily I know she'll always love me no matter what and that she'll forgive me for sharing these on my blog he he he.
I love this girl and I'm so lucky to have her. She's my best friend and a wonderful example to me. She's big-hearted, fun, supportive, and strong. The only thing that would have made the trip even better is if my oldest sister, Tonya, could have been there. We missed her tons, it just wasn't the same! I have a photo of me and my sisters in the kitchen, the frame reads: Having a Sister is Like Having a Best Friend for Life. So true.
Our trip could have ended on a real sour note because just as we were getting ready to finish loading up and heading home we realized that I had accidentally locked my keys in the car. Causey doesn't have cell phone reception and the nearest gas station is 20 min away. We had a nutso who was determined to break one of my windows, but luckily a nice couple intervened and drove us down the mountain. These people were incredible! I had locked my purse in the car and so I had no money, no cell phone.....I felt so helpless. They offered to buy us drinks and lunch (we passed, we were both starving, but we already felt we were putting them out so much!). Cher had a girlie emergency (worst timing in the world!) and the woman handed her some cash to help. They drove us to the gas station and when there wasn't a city phone book they drove us to the ranger station to track down a sheriff, then they drove us back to the gas station to meet the locksmith. They guy even tried to talk me into taking his cell phone, he lived in the same area as I did and said he'd just pick it up from me the next day. I declined, but I couldn't believe he would offer that to a complete stranger. They were so sweet and so nice. The locksmith was great too, he drove me up to the top of the mountain (he could only take one passenger, Cher waited at the gas station), made me a spare key in the back of his vehicle, charged me the "city" price (just to be nice, he didn't want my vacation ruined), and helped me strap the canoe on before I headed back down to get Cher. It went about as well as a bad situation could have. We felt very blessed and watched over. There really are some wonderful people out there!
wow! sounds fun and adventurous! It amazes me to know there are still good people out there. We rarely hear of good deeds. Everything has been so negative for so long that stores like this give me hope. Hope that there are more good people than ot so good. I am glad you two MAKE the time to hang out. Makes me wish I had a sister! Although, I really do need to find the time (and money) to hang out with my little brother...he lives in Maui! lol